Sunday, April 18, 2010

Personality Plus

I am 61 years old and I have had cats in my life for most of it. Some of the things I have learned over the years are:
No matter how long you spend trying, you can never truly understand them.
Cat personalities are at least as unique to each cat as human personalities are to each individual.
They are very, very intelligent.
They enrich your life in ways that no other creature can.
If you have a stubborn, cranky cat, they are not likely to change no matter how old they get. (other than to get worse)
Part of what you love about them so is the fact that they are so independent and do not worry about showing you just how they feel.
You may not always agree with what they are telling you. LOL

By far my most opinionated, unusual and smart kitty was a tabby I found while living on the West Bank of New Orleans, in Terrytown. She was very appropriately named Miss Scarlett, and like her namesake, she could be a handful. Introducing you to her and telling her story will take at least a couple of posts, so next post I will tell you the story of how she came to live with us.

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